02-24-25: “Welcome M.G.” and “Three.”

02-24-25: Welcome M.G.

                        After Zoe Chuang’s “Pale Ale Poetry”


I noticed him when I first stepped in the meeting room,

            foot after foot onto City Hall’s marble floor,

finding my way to the plastic seats lined up in rows,

            all facing the council, a vacancy on the right.


In the sea of people wearing t-shirts and jeans or flowy blouses,

            his royal blue suit set him apart; a checkered tie

cut from the same material as his pocket square meshes

the line between professional and free spirited,

a welcome presence within the four sterile walls.


He pairs a wide, pearly smile with his colorful suit

and dark complexion.

Noticing lastly his anime character themed socks.


Roll Call taken, minutes approved, list of Council Place 5

            candidates filtered through anonymously.

Person F claims first place, taking the lead with a

            five point difference.

President T.T. moves on to the nomination,

            Gesturing to the very man I saw when I first walked in.





02-24-25: Three


“50% down.”

            “No, 25%”

“We are NOT doing 100.”


Numbers and percentages

Bounce between the fire chief

And T.W.


The only number set in stone:



3 years/36 months/156 weeks/1095 days


Three calendar years

Until Jacksonville

Receives their coveted,

Brand-new fire truck.


The Fire Chief asks to lay

50% of the payment down,

Pay the other half

– of $1.02 million –



T.W. insists on paying 25%,

Unwilling to budge,

Operating under the guise

That the decision lays with

The Fire Chief,

Who agrees


Action item added,

Expenditure approved.


25% down now,

75% later,

Three years to go.


02-10-25: Welcome to Jacksonville! (Villanelle)